WeiYa's Work Yard

A traveler with endless curiosity, who fell into the ocean of statistics, tries to write down his ideas and notes to save himself.

Task-Agnostic Machine-Learning-Assisted Inference

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Tags: Machine Learning, M-estimation

This note is for Miao, J., & Lu, Q. (2024). Task-Agnostic Machine-Learning-Assisted Inference (No. arXiv:2405.20039). arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2405.20039

ML-assisted analytical strategies

  • employ ML to predict unobserved outcomes in massive samples, then use predicted outcomes in downstream statistical inference


  • existing methods designed to ensure the validity of this type of post-prediction inference are limited to very basic tasks such as linear regression analysis
  • any extension of these approaches to new, more sophisticated statistical tasks requires task-specific algebraic derivations and software implementations, which ignores the massive library of existing software tools already developed for the same scientific problem given observed data

current ML-assisted inference can only address very basic statistical tasks, including

  • mean estimation
  • quantile estimation
  • linear and logistic regression

while the same mathematical principle behind existing ML-assisted inference methods can be generalized to a broader class of M-estimation problems, specific algebraic derivations and computational implementations are required for each new statistical task

historically, similar types of challenges

  • before the advent of resampling-based methods, require task-specific derivation and implementation to obtain the variance of any new estimator

the paper introduce PoSt-Prediction Summary-statistics-based (PSPS) inference


vs semi-supervised??


inference the parameter $\theta^\star = \theta^\star(\bbP)\in \IR^K$ defined on the joint distribution of $(\bfX, Y)\sim \bbP$, where

interested in estimating $\theta^\star$ using

  • labeled data $\cL = {(\bfX_i, Y_i), i=1,\ldots, n}$
  • unlabeled data $\cU$
  • a pre-trained ML model: $\hat f(\cdot): \cX\rightarrow\cY$

also require an algorithm $\cA$ that inputs the labeled data $\cL$ and returns a consistent and asymptotically normally distributed estimator $\hat\theta$ for $\hat\theta$

three common ways to estimate $\theta^\star$

  • classical statistical methods: only use algorithm $\cA$
  • imputation-based methods
  • ML-assisted inference methods

intuition with mean estimation

  • ML-assisted inference
  • methods for handling missing data
  • semi-supervised inference

current methods typically require

  • the algebraic form of the loss function
  • its first- and second-order derivatives
  • the variance for the estimator
  • as well as a newly implemented optimization algorithm to obtain the estimator

current mathematical principles guiding ML-assisted inference apply solely to M-estimation

the proposed protocol extends beyond this limitation, addressing all estimation problems with an asymptotically normally distributed estimator

inference relying solely on summary statistics is widely used in the statistical genetics literature for practical reasons.

summary statistics-based methods have been developed for tasks such as

  • variance component inference
  • genetic risk prediction

difference with semi-supervised learning

  • the proposed method is designed for estimation and statistical inference
  • semi-supervised focused on prediction


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