Fine-mapping from Summary Data with SuSiE
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Summary data for fine-mapping
- vectors $\hat b=(\hat b_1,\ldots, \hat b_J)^\top$ and $\hat s=(\hat s_1,\ldots, \hat s_J)^\top$ containing estimates of marginal association for each SNP $j$, and corresponding standard errors, from a simple linear regression:
An alternative to $\hat b, \hat s$ is the vector $\hat z=(\hat z_1,\ldots, z_J)^\top$ of $z$-scores,
\[\hat z_j = \frac{\hat b_j}{\hat s_j}\]- An estimate $\hat R$ of the in-sample LD matrix $R$, where $R$ is the $J\times J$ SNP-by-SNP sample correlation matrix
where $D_{xx}=\diag(X^TX)$ is a diagonal matrix that ensures the diagonal entries of $R$ are all 1.
Often, the estimate $\hat R$ is taken to be out of sample LD matrix