WeiYa's Work Yard

A dog, who fell into the ocean of statistics, tries to write down his ideas and notes to save himself.

Tweedie's Formula and Selection Bias

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Tags: Tweedie, Empirical Bayes, James-Stein, Empirical Bayes Information, Non-central Chi-square, Selection Bias

Prof. Inchi HU will give a talk on Large Scale Inference for Chi-squared Data tomorrow, which proposes the Tweedie’s formula in the Bayesian hierarchical model for chi-squared data, and he mentioned a thought-provoking paper, Efron, B. (2011). Tweedie’s Formula and Selection Bias. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 106(496), 1602–1614., which is the focus of this note.


Suppose that some large number $N$ of possibly correlated normal variates $z_i$ have been observed, each with its own unobserved mean parameter $\mu_i$,

\[z_i\sim N(\mu_i,\sigma^2)\quad\text{for }i=1,2,\ldots,N\,,\]

where $N=5000$ $\mu_i$ values comprised 10 repetitions each of

\[\mu_j=-\log\left(\frac{j-0.5}{500}\right)\,\quad j=1,\ldots,500\]

and attention focuses on the extremes, say the 100 largest $z_i$’s.

Reproduce Figure 1 with the following Julia code:

using Distributions
using Plots

# figure 1
N = 5000
m = 100
σ = 1
z = ones(N)
μ = repeat(-log.( ( (1:500) .- 0.5) / 500 ), inner = 10)
for i = 1:N
    z[i] = rand(Normal(μ[i], σ))
p = histogram(z, legend=false, size = (1080, 720))
for zi in sort(z, rev = true)[1:100]
    plot!(p, [zi, zi], [-5, 0], color = :red)
vline!(p, [0])
xlabel!(p, "z values")
ylabel!(p, "Frequency")
savefig(p, "fig1.png")    


As showed in the following figure in which red dashes on the $y$-axis are the 100 largest $z$’s, while orange stars indicate the corresponding $\mu$ values, it is obvious that $\mu$ is less extreme than $z$.

Here is a great answer to selection bias in Chinese.

Tweedie’s formula


\[\eta\sim g(\cdot)\quad\text{and}\quad z\mid\eta\sim f_\eta(z)=\exp(\eta z-\psi(\eta))f_0(z)\,,\]

where $\eta$ is the natural or canonical parameter of the exponential family, and $f_0(z)$ is the density when $\eta=0$.

By Bayes rule,

\[g(\eta\mid z)=f_\eta(z)g(\eta)/f(z)\,,\]

where $f(z)$ is the marginal density

\[f(z) = \int_\cZ f_\eta(z)g(\eta)d\eta\,,\]

$\cZ$ is the sample space of the exponential family. Then

\[g(\eta\mid z)=e^{z\eta-\lambda(z)}[g(\eta)e^{-\psi(\eta)}]\,,\]

where $\lambda(z)=\log(f(z)/f_0(z))$.

With the fact of exponential families,

Differentiating $\lambda(z)$ yields

\[\E[\eta\mid z] = \lambda'(z)\,,\quad \var[\eta\mid z] = \lambda''(z)\,,\quad \mathrm{skewness}[\eta\mid z]=\frac{\lambda'''(z)}{[\lambda''(z)]^{3/2}}\,.\]


\[l(z)=\log(f(z))\quad\text{and}\quad l_0(z)=\log(f_0(z))\,,\]

we can express the posterior mean and variance of $\eta\mid z$ as

\[\eta\mid z\sim (l'(z)-l_0'(z), l''(z)-l''_0(z))\,.\]

In the normal transformation family $z\sim N(\mu,\sigma^2)$, then

\[\eta\mid z\sim \left(\frac{z}{\sigma^2}+l'(z),\frac{1}{\sigma^2}+l''(z)\right)\,,\]

and since $\mu=\sigma^2\eta$,

\[\mu\mid z\sim \left(z+\sigma^2l'(z),\sigma^2(1+\sigma^2l''(z))\right)\,.\]

The $N(\mu,\sigma^2)$ family has skewness equal zero. We can incorporate skewness into the application of Tweedie’s formula by taking $f_0(z)$ to be a standardized gamma variable with shape parameter $m$,

\[f_0(z) \sim \frac{\text{Gamma}_m-m}{\sqrt m}\,,\]

in which case $f_0(z)$ has mean 0, variance $1$, and

\[\text{skewness }\gamma \equiv 2/\sqrt m\]

for all members of the exponential family.

Note that $Z=\frac{Y-m}{\sqrt m}\sim f_0(z)$, then $f_Y(y)=f_0(z)/\sqrt m$, thus

\[\begin{align*} f_Y(y\mid\eta) &\propto \exp\left(\eta\frac{y-m}{\sqrt m}-\psi(\eta)\right)\exp(-y)y^{m-1}\\ &\propto y^{m-1}\exp\left(-\frac{\sqrt m-\eta}{\sqrt m}y\right)\,, \end{align*}\]

which implies that $\E Y = \frac{m\sqrt m}{\sqrt m-\eta}$, and hence

\[\mu = \E Z = \frac{\E Y-m}{\sqrt m} = \frac{\sqrt m\eta}{\sqrt m-\eta} = \frac{\eta}{1-(\gamma/2)\eta}\,.\]


\[f_0(z) = f_Y(y)\sqrt m = \frac{1}{(m-1)!}\left(\sqrt mz+m\right)^{m-1}\exp\left(-(\sqrt mz+m)\right)\sqrt m\,,\]


\[\begin{align*} l_0'(z) &= - \frac{z\sqrt m+1}{\sqrt m+z} =- \frac{z+\gamma/2}{1+\gamma z/2}\\ l_0''(z) &= -\frac{1-\gamma^2/4}{(1+\gamma z/2)^2}\,, \end{align*}\]

thus we have

\[\eta\mid z\sim \left(\frac{z+\gamma /2}{1+\gamma z/2}+l'(z), \frac{1-\gamma^2/4}{(1+\gamma z/2)^2}+l''(z)\right)\]

There might be a typo in equation (2.13) of Efron (2011)

In summary,


Empirical Bayes Estimation

The empirical Bayes formula

\[\hat\mu_i = z_i + \sigma^2\hat l'(z_i)\]

requires a smoothly differentiable estimate of $l(z)=\log f(z)$.

Assume that $l(z)$ is a $J$th-degree polynomial, that is,

\[f(z) = \exp\left(\sum_{j=0}^J\beta_jz^j\right)\,,\]

which represents a $J$-parameter exponential family having canonical parameter vector $\bbeta=(\beta_1,\ldots,\beta_J)$.

Set the same number of bins $K=63$,

using StatsBase
fit(Histogram, z, nbins= 63)
# Histogram{Int64,1,Tuple{StepRangeLen{Float64,Base.TwicePrecision{Float64},Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}}}}
# edges:
#   -3.4:0.2:9.2
# weights: [1, 0, 2, 1, 8, 10, 12, 16, 30, 50  …  0, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
# closed: left
# isdensity: false

the width is also $d=0.2$, with centers $x_k$ ranging from -3.3 to 9.1. The bar heights are given by the weights.

Compare the difference corrected by empirical Bayes, $\hat\mu_i - \mu_i$, and the uncorrected estimate, $z_i-\mu_i$, to check if the empirical Bayes estimate can cure the selection bias.

top100 = sortperm(z, rev=true)[1:100]
∇l(x, f; δ=1e-3) = (f(x .+ δ) - f(x)) / δ
z_density = kde(z)
logf(x) = log.(pdf(z_density, x))
# use derivate of `log f`, NOT `log f`
μhat = z[top100] + ∇l(z[top100], logf)

histogram(μhat - μ[top100], label = "corrected")
histogram!(z[top100] - μ[top100], fillalpha = 0.75, label = "uncorrected")

It is obvious that the empirical Bayes estimate is quite effective since the corrected difference being much more closely centered around zero.

Actually, the simulation is slightly different from Efron (2011), which replicates 100 datasets from the exponential example, and directly simulates $\mu_i$ from $e^{-\mu}$ instead of the approximated $-\log((j-0.5)/500)$.

The empirical Bayes implementation of Tweedie’s formula reduces, almost, to the James-Stein estimator. Suppose the prior density $g(\mu)$ is normal, i.e., $\mu\sim N(0, A)$, and $z\mid\mu\sim N(\mu, 1)$. By the following lemma, the marginal distribution of $z$ is $N(0, V)$, where $V=A+1$,

If $X\mid\theta_1\sim N(\theta_1,\sigma^2_1)$ and $\theta_1\mid\theta_2\sim N(\theta_2,\sigma_2^2)$, where $\sigma_1^2$ and $\sigma_2^2$ are known. Then \(X\mid\theta_2\sim N(\theta_2,\sigma_1^2+\sigma_2^2)\,.\)

Note that

\[\begin{align*} &f(x\mid\theta_2)\\ &= \int f(x\mid \theta_1)\pi(\theta_1\mid\theta_2)d\theta_1\\ &\propto \int \exp\Big(-\frac 12\Big[\big(\frac{x-\theta_1}{\sigma_1}\big)^2+\big(\frac{\theta_1-\theta_2}{\sigma_2}\big)^2\Big]\Big)d\theta_1\\ &=\exp\Big(-\frac 12\Big[\frac{x^2}{\sigma_1^2}+\frac{\theta_2^2}{\sigma_2^2}\Big]\Big)\int\exp\Big(-\frac 12\Big[\frac{1}{\sigma_1^2}+\frac{1}{\sigma_2^2}\Big]\Big[\theta_1-\frac{x/\sigma_1^2+\theta_2/\sigma_2^2}{1/\sigma_1^2+1/\sigma_2^2}\Big]^2+\frac{1}{2}\frac{(x/\sigma_1^2+\theta_2/\sigma_2^2)^2}{1/\sigma_1^2+1/\sigma_2^2}\Big)d\theta_1\\ &\propto \exp\Big(-\frac 12\Big[\frac{x^2}{\sigma_1^2}+\frac{\theta_2^2}{\sigma_2^2}-\frac{(x/\sigma_1^2+\theta_2/\sigma_2^2)^2}{1/\sigma_1^2+1/\sigma_2^2} \Big]\Big)\qquad\text{since the integrand is the pdf of Normal}\\ &=\exp\Big(-\frac{1}{2(\sigma_1^2+\sigma_2^2)}(x-\theta_2)^2\Big)\,, \end{align*}\]

which implies that

\[X\mid\theta_2 \sim N(\theta_2, \sigma_1^2+\sigma_2^2)\,.\]

It follows that $l’(z) = -z/V$ and Tweedie’s formula becomes

\[\E[\mu\mid z] = (1-1/V)z\,,\]

where the MLE estimate of $1/V$ is $N/\sum z_j^2$, while the Jame-Stein rule gives

\[\hat\mu_i = \left(1-\frac{N-2}{\sum z_j^2}\right)z_i\,.\]

Empirical Bayes Information

The Empirical Bayes Information is the amount of information per “other” observation $z_j$ for estimating $\mu_i$.

For a fixed value $z_0$, let

\[\mu^+(z_0) = z_0 + l'(z_0)\quad \text{and}\quad \hat\mu_\z(z_0) = z_0+\hat l'_\z(z_0)\]

be the Bayes and empirical Bayes estimates of $\E[\mu\mid z_0]$. Having observed $z=z_0$, the conditional regret for estimating $\mu$ by $\hat\mu_\z(z_0)$ instead of $\mu^+(z_0)$ is

\[\Reg(z_0) = \E[( \mu - \hat\mu_\z(z_0) )^2 - (\mu - \mu^+(z_0))^2\mid z_0]\approx \frac{c(z_0)}{N}\,.\]

The empirical Bayes information at $z_0$ is defined as

\[I(z_0) = 1/c(z_0)\,,\]


\[\Reg(z_0)\approx 1/(NI(z_0))\,.\]

Prof. Hu’s Talk

The non-central chi-squared density is a Poisson mixture of central chi-squared densities. Consider the following model

\[\lambda\sim g(\lambda)\,,\quad J\sim \text{Poisson}(\lambda/2)\,,\quad X\sim \chi^2_{k+2J}\,.\]
  1. Draw the non-centrality parameter $\lambda$ from a prior density $g$.
  2. Generate a non-negative integer $J$ according to a Poisson distribution with mean $\lambda/2$
  3. Sample from the chi-squared density with $k+2J$ degrees of freedom
  4. The resulting $X$ has non-central chi-squared distribution with $k$ DF.


Published in categories Note