WeiYa's Work Yard

A traveler with endless curiosity, who fell into the ocean of statistics, tries to write down his ideas and notes to save himself.

Estimation of Location and Scale Parameters of Continuous Density

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Tags: Equivariance, Location-Scale Family, Admissible

This note is for Pitman, E. J. G. (1939). The Estimation of the Location and Scale Parameters of a Continuous Population of any Given Form. Biometrika, 30(3/4), 391–421. and Kagan, AM & Rukhin, AL. (1967). On the estimation of a scale parameter. Theory of Probability \& Its Applications, 12, 672–678.

Pitman (1939)

The paper develops a general method of solving problems of estimation in which the unknown parameters are “location” and “scale” parameters. Suppose that the probability function of $X$ is

\[\frac 1cf\left(\frac{x-a}{c}\right)\]

and that the function $f(x)$ is known but that one or both the parameters $a, c$, which determine respectively the location and the scale of the distribution of $X$, is unknown.

Denote by $H$ a function of the $\xi$ such that

\[E(H) = \int_W FHd\xi_1\cdots\xi_n\]

exists. Let $W_+$ be the region where $F$ is not zero.

The estimation of $a$


The estimation of $c$

Here the probability function of $X$ is

\[\frac 1c f(x/c), c > 0\]

and the probability of the sample $\xi_1,\ldots,\xi_n$ is

\[F = c^{-n} f(\xi_1/c)\cdots f(\xi_n/c)\]

If $X$ takes only positive values, consider $\log X$ and $\gamma = \log c$, then the pdf for $\log X$ is

\[e^{x-\gamma} f(e^{x-\gamma})\,,\]

which reduces to the estimation of location parameter in the previous part.

A estimator $C(x_1,\ldots, x_n)$ must satisfy

  • $C(x_1,\ldots, x_n) \ge 0$
  • $C(\lambda x_1,\ldots, \lambda x_n) = \lambda C(x_1,\ldots,x_n), \lambda \ge 0$

Any function of this type will be called a $c$ estimator. Its logarithm, $G$, which will be a $\gamma$ estimator, will satisfy

\[G(\lambda x_1,\ldots, \lambda x_n) = G(x_1,\ldots, x_n) + \log \lambda, \lambda \ge 0\]

and any function of this type will be called a $\gamma$ estimator.

  • $R$: a half line or ray with one end at the origin
    • any point which lies on some $R$ is called observable

define the mean value of $H$ on $R$ by

\[E_R[H] = \frac{\int_0^\infty FHr^{n-1}dr}{\int_0^\infty Fr^{n-1}dr}\]

where $r = \sqrt{\sum \xi_r^2}$.

If $E_R[H]$ has the same value $h$ on every $R$, then $E[H] = h$.

For a set of intervals $I’$ determined on $R$, define

\[P(I'\mid R) = \frac{\int_I Fr^{n-1}dr}{\int_0^\infty Fr^{n-1}dr}\]

Let $w’$ be the region generated by $I’$, then $P(w’) = \alpha$ if $P(I’\mid R)=\alpha$.

If $(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ is a fixed point on $R$, the co-ordinates $(\xi_1,\ldots,\xi_n)$ of any point on $R$ may be expressed in the form

\[e^{-\gamma}\xi_r = e^{-t}x_r\]

The fiducial function for the estimation of $\gamma$ is

\[g_1(\gamma) = ke^{-n\gamma} f(x_1e^{-\gamma})\cdot f(x_n e^{-\gamma})\]

The fiducial function for the estimation of $c$ is

\[g_2(c) = kc^{-n-1}f(x_1/c)\cdots f(x_n/c), c\ge 0\]

The median of the fiducial distribution $G_C$ is the closest estimator of $\gamma$, and the estimator with the smallest mean absolute error.

\[G_M = E_g(\gamma) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \gamma g_1(\gamma)d\gamma\]
  • $G_L$: the maximum likelihood estimator, is defined as the value of $\gamma$ which makes $g_1(\gamma)$ a maximum
  • $G_{(r)}$: the estimator with the smallest mean $r$-th power absolute error.

The median $C_c$ is the closest estimator of $c$. Its median value is $c$, and its logarithm is $G_C$; but it is not in general the $c$ estimator with the smallest mean absolute error.

$C_{(2)}$, the $c$-estimator with the smallest mean square error, is defined by

\[C_{(2)} = \frac{E_g(1/c)}{E_g(1/c^2)}\,.\]

Kagan & Rukhin (1967)

This part is based on Kagan, AM & Rukhin, AL. (1967). On the estimation of a scale parameter. Theory of Probability \& Its Applications, 12, 672–678.

consider a family of distribution function $F(x/\sigma)$ on the half-line $(0, \infty)$ indexed by a scale parameter $\sigma\in (0, \infty)$.

Assume that

\[\alpha_2 = \int_0^\infty x^2 dF(x) < \infty\]

and let $\alpha_1=\int_0^\infty xdF(x)$, then the statistic

\[\alpha_1^{-1} \bar x\]

will be an unbiased estimate of the parameter $\sigma$

Consider the class of estimates of the form

\[\sigma_n^*(x_1,\ldots,x_n) = c_n(\bar x)\]

We have

\[E(\hat\sigma_n^\star - \sigma)^2= \sigma^2E(c_n\bar x - 1)^2\]

and the minimum is attained when

\[c_n = \frac{\alpha_1}{\alpha_1^2 + (\alpha_2-\alpha_1^2)/n}\]

Since $\alpha_2\ge \alpha_1^2$, and since equality is attained only for an improper d.f., it follows that in the class of all (biased and unbiased) estimates of the scale parameter $\sigma$, the unbiased estimate $\alpha_1^{-1}\bar x$ is always inadmissible (except in the trivial case of an improper $F(x)$)

Two questions:

  • when is the estimate $\alpha_1^{-1}\bar x$ admissible in the class of unbiased estimates of the scale parameter $\sigma$
  • when is the estimate $c_n^0\bar x$ admissible in the class of all estimates of the parameter $\sigma$; in other words, when is $c_n^0\bar x$ absoultely admissable?

Let $R$ be the class of proper estimates (scale invariant), then if $\tilde \sigma_n\in R$,

\[\tilde \sigma_n = \bar x \psi\left(\frac{x_2}{x_1},\ldots, \frac{x_n}{x_1}\right)\]

Then the estimate

\[s_n = \tilde \sigma_n\frac{E(\tilde\sigma_n\mid y)}{E(\tilde \sigma_n^2\mid y)}\]

is optimal in the class of proper estimates.

If $F(x) = \int_0^x f(u)du$, then

\[s_n(x_1,\ldots,x_n) = \frac{\int_0^\infty u^nf(ux_1)\cdots f(ux_n)du}{\int_0^\infty u^{n+1}f(ux_1)\cdots f(ux_n)du}\]

The paper showed that $\alpha_1^{-1}\bar x$ will be admissible in the class of unbiased estimates of the parameter $\sigma$, and $c_n^0\bar x$ will be absolutely admissible only for the trivial case of an improper $F(x)$ and the gamma distribution.

Published in categories Note